April 27, 2009

Wingnuts in Love

Right wing blogger Pamela Geller [Atlas Shrugs] has offered up some really bizarre stuff over the years, and on April 1st, 2009, Geller did it again. In an interview [20 minutes long] with Winger-in-Chief, Michelle Bachman (whom I have written about before), Geller just cannot seem to gush sufficiently in her praise of the Michigan Republican… and Bachmann’s revolutionary, anti-Obama ranting just gets nuttier. Geller’s choice of dates to post this interview seems most appropriate.

What would y’all think of a Palin / Bachmann ticket in 2012?



Terrant said...

Palin / Bachmann? Oh my head hurts just thinking about it.

Old NFO said...

That is just plain stoopid/pathetic/@!#* idiotic! sigh...

Mule Breath said...

Geller's blog title is telling. Ayn Rand worship seems to be enjoying a bit of a renaissance these days, I’m sorry to observe. I first read Atlas Shrugged somewhere around 1960… 3 or 4 years after it was published. My older brother was entranced by the philosophy so I felt obligated to see why. I found the book tedious, and her “Objectivism” disgustingly myopic. Several years later I tried Fountainhead, and found it no different.

A brief read of Rand’s bio tells it all. In her “golden” years she fell prey to all those unclean human frailties she condemned in her youth. Six of seven deadly sins wrapped in a neat package.

Old NFO said...

Yeah, pretty much... and tedious was a "nice" comment!

Anonymous said...

". . .a Palin / Bachmann ticket. . ."

There is no hope for America.

Mule Breath said...

If a dominionist like Palin gets that close to the nuclear launch codes, there may be no hope for the world.