The title comes from the online edition of Britian's Spectator Magazine, which has a rather humorous story excoriating some of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" silliness coming from the right side of the U.S. Senate.
Blog author Alex Massie muses about John McCain's (R-AZ) shameful flip-flopping as he attempts to justify continuing the ban on homosexuals in the U.S. military, and the profound ignorance of Duncan Hunter (R-CA) raising the spectre of a scorge of hermaphrodites potentially wearing those honored uniforms.
That might be bad for morale.
Massie also quotes Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) as warning that allowing gays to openly serve in the military could lead to other dispicable behavior, such as "Alcohol use, adultery, fraternization, and body art." Hmmm. I guess that would mean fewer soldiers and sailors singing in the church choir, too.
There were other Republicans lining up to make patently stupid assertions in this partisan attempt to override the rational good sense of repealing DADT.
My opinion: The current crop of Senate and House Republicans are of pack of clowns and ignoramuses. Reason and moderation haven't the chance of a fart in a windstorm in this atmosphere.
So long as the whacky wingnuttery (on both sides of the aisle) remains. this country will remain in deep doo doo, swinging madly about as if some crazy pendulum in a Salvador Dali clock.
Other good articles on the topic may be found HERE and HERE, and more from Politico's Ben Smith as well. But don't stop there. The sphere is alive with this topic.
29 minutes ago
Massie also quotes Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) as warning that allowing gays to openly serve in the military could lead to other despicable behavior, such as "Alcohol use, adultery, fraternization, and body art."
Yeah, we wouldn't want our soldiers fighting, fucking or getting tattooed. Soldiers and sailors never do that stuff.
I always thought unit tattoos, branding, terms like "Intercourse and Intoxication" and such were part of the warrior ethos.
Apparently, they're actually caused by gay cooties.
If I hadn't already seen Chambliss say crazier shit than that, I'd almost suspect a Poe.
Saxby Chambliss is a moron, but he seems to seem to suit the fancy of the fine folks of Georgia.
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