March 16, 2012

Desperate attempts to reframe a story

Shorter Greggy wingnut...

Texas has no money for schools and has slashed the budgets for State agencies responsible for everything from food safety and roads to daycare centers and nursing homes. In a year plagued by the worst wildfires in Texas history, ole Guv. Goodhair and a majority Republican legislature cut funding to rural fire departments by 75%...

...but little wingnut Greggy seems to have no trouble finding bucks to hire high priced outside attorneys to futilely defend political wars against women and Obama. This is a huge waste not only of precious State funds, but also causes our federal legal system to expend unnecessary time, energy and monies.

GOP... the party of fiscal responsibility.

The unfortunate reality is that a majority of Texans are ignorant (or deluded... or bigoted) enough to believe this garbage is a good thing, and the thugs that do this kind of crap because they know it. With BS moves like this our little Greggy is purposely building a fine foundation for his political aspirations among the politically under-informed of the state.



EMSNetwork said...

Reasons not to stay in Texas just keep piling up.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Texass please quit plaguing us with your Governors and Secede already!