More proof that it is all the fault of the queer's ...
Sally Kern gives Michelle Bachmann a run for her money when it comes to wingnutia. You really must read her proclamation [PDF].
17 minutes ago
I done did that already..... I ain't do'in that no more
I say they're neck and neck. These fuckers are crazy nuts. We are in a world of shit.
Testing, testing, 1... 2... 3...
There once were reasonable Republicans and reasonable Democrats. Since the days of Reagan we have seen an invasion of left wingnuts and right wingnuts, with only a few scattered moderates from either party desperately attempting to hold an even keel. Given the choice, and biting my lip all the way, the left wingnuts win my vote simply due to the likes of these evangelicals whom the right has conscripted in an attempt to fatten their ranks.
The right tries to scare the country with a threatening specter of socialism, but there is no threat close to that presented by the evangelical Christian right wing. If that wing wins, the 2nd amendment may be the only one to survive.
Once she gets support from her friends in al quaeda, it should be no problem for her to become President.
You have to love somebody, who will take any quote out of context, just to make a point. No concern about bearing false witness. She probably just means the other Commandments. Using the name of God to promote her political views - certainly not making wrongful use of God's name.
Did they even allow Ben Franklin to enter churches?
Not all Oklahoma pols are such dumb asses. Rep. Al McAffrey, representing Oklahoma District 88, has posted a sharp criticism of Sally Kern's proclamation. His spelling isn't the best, but his heart seems to be in the right place.
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