Shades of gray?
Perhaps Bill O’Reilly is the most recent inciter of violence, calling Dr. George Tiller “Tiller the baby killer”, and “Dr. Killer”… sending his ambush “journalists” out to confront the doctor, but Bill O was certainly not the first to incite the fanatics, and Scott Roeder was not the first threat faced by Dr. Tiller. They’ve been trying to kill him since at least 1993. Roeder, the suspected murderer of Dr. Tiller, warns that we can expect more of the same so long as the late term abortion procedure remains legal.
Murders of physicians, clinic bombings, acid attacks, sniper shootings, fake anthrax filled letters... these are only some of the tactics used over the years by anti-abortion extremists. Since 1977 there have been over 6,000 acts of violence against medical facilities and personnel providing a procedure deemed legal by the Supreme Court of the United States. These are acts of terrorism, but where is the outrage? Fanatics are murdering and maiming human beings in the name of Christ. Someone please tell me…
...what exactly is the difference between these Christian terrorists and the Islamic terrorists we are fighting in the much ballyhooed “War on Terror”? The right wingnuts are singing the praises of Scott Roeder, calling the murder the answer to prayers.
Please tell me, what is the difference?
2 minutes ago
Both are home grown terrorists, some target individuals, others target multiple innocent civilians with no connection other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
When it walks like a duck . . .
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