A friend accused me over the weekend of wearing "rose colored glasses." This came because my friend, a conservative, posted a Facebook meme that made little sense. It was one of those "feel good" things that conservatives like to post to confirm a bias that has little factual basis. This one tenuously tied the amount of foreign aid money in the U.S. budget somehow to our failure to take care of our veterans.
The connection is garbage and I said so, adding a few easily researched facts to debunk the idea. For that I am accused of a too rosy outlook. So this little thesis is for my friend. Maybe he'll read it, maybe he won't.
The difference between progressives and the clay feet crowd
A scientific perspective
Berkeley professors Jack and
Jeanne Block began a landmark study of childhood personality in 1968… a year
before I graduated high school. The methodology was a bit unscientific and they
didn't even start with the intention of measuring political leanings. They
simply surveyed nursery school teachers, asking them to rate children's
temperaments. The study involved 100 3-year-olds. 1
In 1989 the Blocks returned to
their subjects, comparing the recorded childhood personality traits with the
adults and relating it to the political proclivities of the now 23-year-old
subjects. What they found was certainly interesting.
The adults describing themselves
as having liberal or progressive leanings had been children marked by their
teachers as developing closer relationships with other children, having more
self-reliance, being more energetic, impulsive, and resilient. In short… these
children were far more adventuresome and much less fearful.
Inversely, the adult subjects now
describing themselves as conservative had been described by those same teachers
as shy, fearful, weak, easily victimized, easily offended, indecisive, rigid,
and inhibited. These children did not deal well with change and the Blocks
hypothesized that they found comfort in tradition and reassurance in authority,
which transferred into conservative politics as adults.
Taken as it was published in 1989
the Block study would offer too little from which to formulate a theory, but
when combined with more recent and far more scientific studies we may have
found a peg on which we can hang a hat.
In a far more recent study 2 researchers reported that conservatives
and liberals boast markedly different home and office decor. Liberals were
messier than conservatives, their rooms having more clutter and more color, and
they tended to have more travel documents, as well as maps and flags from other
countries. Conservatives on the other hand were neater, more organized with
rooms that were cleaner and less cluttered. Conservatives rooms were also more
brightly lit and more conventional. Liberals had more books, and those books
covered a far greater variety of topics.
Liberals were shown to be optimistic about life yet skeptical of dogma. Conservatives were more likely to be
religious than progressives. Liberals leaned toward classical music, blues and jazz while
conservatives were more prone to country music, Elvis and Frank Sinatra. Conservative men were more
likely than liberal men to prefer serial television programs, movies and talk radio while
liberals preferred news programs, documentaries or just reading. Liberal women were
also more likely than conservative women to enjoy books.
So far so good, but likely the
most comprehensive review of personality and political orientation to date is a
meta-analysis of 88 studies involving 22,000 participants.3
This study found that conservatives have a greater desire to reach a
decision quickly and stick to it in spite of new information, have less
tolerance for ambiguity, were far more resistant to environmental or
situational change, and rejected data that did not agree with opinion.
Conservatives tended to believe the world a highly dangerous place and have a
greater fear of death. On a positive note conservatives scored higher on conscientiousness,
neatness, orderliness, duty, and sticking to the rules.
Liberals, according to the
results of this project, rated higher on truthfulness, openness, intellectual
curiosity, empathy, sensitivity, creativity, thrill seeking, seeking and
savoring new experiences and a craving for stimulation like travel, color, art,
music, and literature. They were shown to be more open to honest debate and
accepting of factual data. The study's authors also say that Liberals are
"more likely to see gray areas and reconcile seemingly conflicting
information.” Liberals tend to be less fearful of danger and death.
These differences could possibly
be explained in simple psychological terms, but they may also be the product of
physiologic variations. In a 2007
study4 using MRI scans, researchers at
University College London found that conservative students had an enlarged amygdala
when compared to liberals. The amygdala is a brain structure that becomes
active during states of fear and anxiety. The study also determined that liberals
had on average more gray matter in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of
the brain that scientists say helps people cope with change and complexity.
So is it fear or the inability to
logically cope with fear that produces the political conservative? Is it
fearlessness or simple curiosity that produces the liberal? Like all of science
we can make conjecture but can we ever know? We’ll just have to keep on
studying this and learning more as we go along.
If these studies tell us anything
we can hypothesize that liberal scientists will discard old theories in favor
of new as fresh data become available, while the conservatives will do as they
always have and cling to discredited beliefs with great tenacity.
1 Block, J., Block, J., (2005) Nursery
school personality and political orientation two decades later, Journal
of Research in Personality
2 Carney, D. R., Jost, J. T., Gosling, S. D.,
Porter, J., (2008). The Secret Lives of Liberals
and Conservatives, Personality
Proļ¬les, Interaction Styles, and the Things They Leave Behind. Political
Psychology, 29, 807–840
3 Jost, J. T., Kruglanski, A. W., Glaser, J.,
Sulloway, F. J., Political Conservatism as
Motivated Social Cognition, Psychological Bulletin,
2003, Vol. 129, No. 3, 339–375.
4 Kanai, R., Feilden, T., Firth, C., Rees, G., Political
Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults, Current
Biology, Volume 21, Issue 8, 677-680, 07 April 2011
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