September 29, 2009

You make the call

UPDATES at the end...

One must wonder how this writer, who has been on the staff for two previous Democrat administrations, could actually spout such drivel.

So you make the call. Is this freedom of expression, or is it treason?

Keep in mind that Newsmax Media is not really known for being fair and balance, like FOX News.


UPDATE: It appears that Newsmax has ceased allowing the link to John Perry's polemic. The link above is redirected to the front page. Luckily though, the enterprising Jamie found it in Google's cache and grabbed a screen shot.

UPDATE 2: Rick Moran over at Right Wing Nuthouse does a swimming job of roasting Perry and his insane ideas.

UPDATE 3: Larisa Alexandrovna brings back memories of the assassination John Kennedy, and the full-page advertisement, paid for by the John Birch Society, appearing in the Dallas Morning News that morning.



jbrock said...

Nucking futz.

Old NFO said...

Agree with jborck... He's 'teasing' a story out of compendium of things he knows little to nothing about (IMHO)...

Mule Breath said...

Newsmax must have taken a shot across their bow. They've pulled the article.

Anonymous said...

Perry's the one who needs a shot across his flogging bow!