November 30, 2011

Who wants to be the next dog on the pile?

H/T Harold


Old NFO said...

Pick one, any one... I STILL want to see Obamallama's school records from Columbia...

And hypocrisy? How about the sealing of the Terry shooting records??? Transparent my ass...

Mule Breath said...

#1 Did you ask for Bush 1 or 2 school records? How about Ford or Reagan?

#2 Does hypocrisy by one make the other's hypocrisy acceptable?

Newt is the most experienced hypocrite on the Republican circuit. Promoting him proves the entire right wing claim to integrity and family values a sham. Ron Paul makes excellent sense in this respect, even if he is bat shit crazy in other departments.

Old NFO said...

MB, they sure as hell were asked for and provided, along with military records, etc...

As far as I'm concerned, they are all lying scumbags, and ALL of them should be fired, and citizens put in with a 1 term limit...

Mule Breath said...

If previous Presidents were asked for I somehow missed it, and Google has produce nothing for me. Perhaps I'm using incorrect search key words.

One term citizens is what they all were at one time... or at least that was the potential. A district will continue to reelect politicians who bring the bacon home. The rest of the country may fund that bacon, but the district gets to eat it.